On Giants' Shoulders

Friday, January 27, 2006

Standing on the shoulders of giants, that seems to be the story of my life. Everything I know, everything I do is in some way the result of people who went before me down a particular road. In a world where what's new and trendy grabs the attention of most people, I seem to be walking towards A while everyone else is racing towards Z. Even that is not an original thought, but something that I remember John Holt writing years ago.

Anyway this will be a blog about lots of different sorts of things. It will be about knitting, spinning, and raising sheep. It will be about literature, writing, and sharing books with kids. It will be about the Catholic Church, spirituality, and orthodox theology. It will be about life after 50, life in a small town, life in a family. It will sometimes touch on homeschooling, childrearing, cooking, and distributism. I hope it will sometimes make you laugh, sometimes make you think, maybe encourage you to try something new.

If you are a fan of Chesterton, Tolkien, Lewis, and L'Engle you might be a kindred spirit. If the names Lee Raven, Linda Ligon, Paula Simmons, and Lynne Vogel ring a bell then we've been reading the same magazines. If you've been to Defending the Faith we might have met. If you're a Catholic convert we've walked a similar road. If you not only know what eclectic homeschooling is, but actually do it then we share a common mindset. If you mothered with La Leche League or raised your kids in 4-H then we share another kind of bond. If there are knitting needles sticking out of your sofa cushions and you've failed at FlyLady more than once, well welcome to my world.


At 10:12 AM, Blogger Karen Edmisten said...

Liz wrote:
"Standing on the shoulders of giants, that seems to be the story of my life. Everything I know, everything I do is in some way the result of people who went before me down a particular road."

And I could say the same thing ... and in particular, I could say that I stood on your shoulders, picked your brain via many emails, and looked to you as one of the main mentors of my homeschooling life.

Welcome to Blogdom, Liz. I'll be visiting often. :-)

At 12:49 PM, Blogger Liz said...

Ah, Karen,

And you've been my friend and challenged me in so many ways. I think that perhaps what all of us are trying to do for the next generation is be the giants on whose shoulders they stand.

We want for our children better, holier lives than we've had ourselves. I am always amazed that my kids are in many ways so much further down the road than I was at their age, and so much smarter too! I don't covet great riches for them in a monetary sense, but I want them to be great people.

At 7:40 AM, Blogger Liz said...

Hi Melissa,

Welcome, I've visited your blog a few times, but never made a comment. It's nice to know there are other kindred spirits out there. I'm also intrigued by the fact that you are a writer. As an unpublished writer of many uncompleted stories I have great regard for people who actually manage to finish and publish things.

Do you have spinning wheels in your living room?

At 7:49 AM, Blogger The Bookworm said...

Found my way here via Karen's blog, and ticking most of the same boxes as Lissa. Pleased to meet you Liz :)

At 7:53 AM, Blogger The Bookworm said...

I should add that I grew up on a farm and have a soft spot for sheep, and am a medieval historian by profession.

Kathryn (in England)

At 10:35 AM, Blogger Liz said...

Hi Kathryn,

England, medieval history, I'm envious! I also sort of grew up on a farm. I say sort of because while we lived in town until I was 13 my father owned a dairy farm from the time I was a year and a half old. We spent a lot of time there until be finally bought a second farm when I was 13 and he moved us out of town.

We didn't really have sheep, however, back then (other than one that the neighbors gave us that stayed around just long enough to get fattened up for slaughtering.

Our current sheep project began when my sister-in-law brought home two lambs for my kids when my son was 5 and my daughter 2. We've had sheep ever since. Our current flock includes both Dorsets and Romneys, but only ne animal that is a mix of both. We have mostly white sheep, but because the Romneys have black factor we occasionally get a colored one.


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