Ankle Update
Well folks, I guess I just found out either how feisty I am, how bullheaded I am, or how stupid I am. After hobbling around for a week while my foot stayed somewhat swollen and became progressively more bruised, I finally called the docor this morning. I went in and saw the P.A. this afternoon. Everything seemed to be going quite well until she figured out where the major source of my pain was (right over the ankle bone). Then she said, "well that's not good, that's a non-weight bearing bone and you could have cracked it." So she sent me for x-rays. Lo and behold, it was cracked, but that's not all. There was a chip there from a previous break. Apparently I broke the ankle one of the two times I sprained it last fall (I suspect the time right before the trip to NYC to meet up with Abby).
So now I'm in an aircast for the next 2-3 weeks. Isn't that going to make a trip to the beach this weekend just a barrel of laughs! To top it off the aircast pressing against the ankle bone makes it hurt worse.
Father Mattison saw me just before I got the x-rays. He said at least this gives me a good excuse to lay around and do nothing. I suppose, but I really wasn't wanting to lay around and do nothing. What it does do is make me think about whether my former couch potato status wasn't less dangerous to my health...At least I have to wonder about walking on uneven ground. I looked at the exercises to stregthen your ankle after it heals. I was already doing them before I hurt it, how discouraging is that.
The good news is that according to the doctor's scales I weigh a pound less than our scales at home. The extra good news is that even sitting around all week I still lost another pound. I also have figured out a hand weight routine that takes a full half hour. I may not get a lot of aerobics in, but I'm going to have biceps and triceps by the time this is all over. Total weight loss so far according to our home scales 12 pounds in 8 weeks. Have I mentioned that I love Weight Watchers program?
Fortunately for them, my kids have apparently inherited their ankles from the other side of the family. Sprained ankles are an uncommon occurence in that genetic pool. It's a good thing!